Hygiene solutions at its finest!
In 1963, our very first tray cleaners were delivered to small Danish bakeries from our newly founded and family-owned company. Today, we operate all over the world while we develop, produce, and sell:
Both standard solutions and custom-made machines are produced, all adding value to the customer's everyday life. No matter what kind of hygiene solution you need, the process you engage in is all about responsibly easing your challenges.
We'll do so by involving you in product development, ensuring you have a functional, reliable solution that meets all your expectations concerning quality, service, and documentation.
Our utensil washers, tray cleaners, and crate washers are developed and produced for companies worldwide within the food processing industry, the retail industry, the cosmetic industry, transport and logistics, and the fast food and snack industry.
Therefore, we work closely with a wide range of customers, including global chains and large industrial companies such as McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, PepsiCo, Nestlé, Unilever, Arla, and Orkla.
Evita Rosdahl, CEO & owner of JEROS.